Volunteer With Us!
Glacier Peak Institute relies on its volunteers to assist in programs, interact with youth, and lead events regarding their expertise. By volunteering with us, you will have the opportunity to grow skills in recreation, youth development, leadership, and communication while developing meaningful relationships and mentorships with youth. With recreation at the forefront of our programs, volunteering with us is fun!
“When I was a kid, I got to play in the woods and at the beach near a stream running into Puget Sound. Playing in dirt nowadays is still my favorite thing to do. When I get to play in dirt (and all that grows in it, falls on it, crawls in it) with actual children, I’m happy. ”
How to Volunteer
Type 1. Program Volunteer Lead for programs with youth:
Glacier Peak Institute’s activities are supported and run through Washington State University’s 4H program.
To volunteer with GPI, please visit the WSU Snohomish County Extension 4H volunteers page for the 4-H volunteer application (write “Glacier Peak Institute” as the club name). To complete the volunteer process, refer to this guiding document. This will require background checks.
After that, you will complete training modules to equip you to work with youth. Once the modules are completed and relevant references have been checked, you will be approved as a GPI volunteer!
Also, visit the WSU Snohomish County Extension page to learn more about the phenomenal education opportunities they provide from the shores of Puget Sound to the tops of mountains and everywhere in between.
Type 2. Day Volunteer to help with planting, restoration, construction, trash clean up and more!
Somedays we are out removing trash, cleaning up parks, or working on trails and amazing community members give back to the community! These volunteers are required to sign our general participant/volunteer waiver found by clicking here. As long as it is a day program, we only require the first 2 pages (no health form needed). These volunteers are not leading youth or working with our youth programs.
In-school Volunteer
(This volunteer position is dependent on COVID school regulations) Assist GPI with programs that are coordinated with the Darrington and neighboring school districts. In-school activities incorporate STrEaMs curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics experienced through Recreation and Arts in order to build Skills) into the classroom. These programs are held throughout the week during school hours, and can take place in a classroom, outdoor setting, or in the school Greenhouse.
Assist in planning, leading and facilitating youth STrEaMs activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics experienced through Recreation and Arts in order to build Skills). Volunteers in this role can participate in hands-on lessons and activities such as hiking, tree tapping, rafting, rock climbing, restoration projects, archery, snowshoeing, wilderness survival skills, fishing, and many more. During the school year, these events typically take place after school on Wednesdays or on no-school days. During the summer, we hold three full-day events per week.
If you are interested in facilitating a program, please fill out an interest form found here.